EWCC’s Ben Z at the SW Crit Champs (Shutt Velo Crit Round Two).


Round Two of the Shutt Velo Rapide Hitters Criterium Series took place last weekend down at Torbay Velopark, the race also incorporating the South West Crit. Racing Championships. One of our many valiant EWCC veterans put a number on his back and his head on the line; Ben Zissimos is a newcomer to bike racing so even more the valiant vet – he writes of his experience riding in the Masters race:

“I had another go at racing at Torbay Velopark last weekend, and I just wanted to thank everyone at EWCC who encouraged me to enter, and gave me advice on how to approach it. 

One question I asked people about the previous race, Round 1, was why I had such trouble defending the wheel in front of me.  People suggested the other riders could see I was losing ground in the hairpins, so they were edging in front of me before each bend.  I also burned a lot of energy closing the gap after each bend, and that’s why I ultimately got dropped from the bunch.  So I knew going into this one that having a better race hinged on taking a tighter line in the hairpins, and getting the power down earlier on the exit.  The prospect of doing this was not helped by the heavy rain that day.  My nerves were properly jangled when I saw a rider from the race before mine limping back with blood pouring from his leg, saying that his front wheel had gone out from under him at the apex of the first hairpin!

Two pieces of advice saved me.  One was that I should drop my tyre pressures.  The second came from one of the earlier racers, who said the track had dried out on the racing line, and if I stuck to that I would be okay.  I found by doing so, and getting the power down just after the rider in front of me did, I was able to preserve my own power and stay in the bunch more comfortably this time.  Indeed, I stayed in the mix right to the end of the race for the first time.  It was only in the final bunch sprint that I lost ground.  I came 9th out of 10 riders, and picked up my first two racing points!  It may not sound like much, but realistically it was better than I dared hope for and I’m so glad I did it.  Masters National Champs next, on 10th August.  My journey into the world of bike racing continues.”

Spot the EWCC jersey. 
Full results can be found here: 
